Church Gallery

Cooking and serving burgers at American Eagle Harley

Pastor Ray Reeder from our sister church in Las Vegas

Children are very important at FAF; they are our future and we raise them up in the ways of the Lord

Sandi B starts the "Stand" Women's Conference with an uplifting message.

Women from all over came to hear gifted speakers and fellowship with other women.

Praising the Lord is what it's all about.

Worshipping her Lord.

There's power in corporate worship and it was powerful at this conference.

Beth Nichols speaks right to your heart.

Not only a great speaker, Beth Nichols is also a very gifted singer.

Pastor Cheryl delivering her message.

Kenny Bingham praising the Lord.

Women responding to Kenny Bingham's worship music.

Pastor Doc winds up the Women's Conference.

Bikers really came in numbers

One of our guest speakers, Dr. Jerry Savelle.

Two new names written down in the Lambs Book of Life. Joe Vrana with Dalton and Katie

Dr. Jerry Savelle delivers an awesome message to a large crowd.

More bikers

And even more bikers

Pastor Jim baptizes Katie from our Youth Group. What a blessing to see these youth following in Jesus' footsteps.

Pastor Jim baptizes Jonathan from our Youth Group. Praise God for young believers.